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Topic subjectRE: Any time you want to actually respond to what I said feel free
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12716879&mesg_id=12717443
12717443, RE: Any time you want to actually respond to what I said feel free
Posted by c71, Tue Feb-03-15 02:47 PM
>>You can focus on whoever you want to. But focusing on a
>>certain type and saying that's all that christianity is
>>is unwise.
>Maybe it is, but it's completely irrelevant to what I was
>saying. I never said Christianity was all about that type. Any
>time you want to stop running from what I actually said and
>talk about it, feel free. For now, you have been accurately

I was estimated at running. If you never said christianity was about "that type" then what was the purpose of bringing up the "divorcing porn lovin' christians"?

>>How many times has OKP bent over backwards to say terrorism
>>isn't all that islam is about? Is that a white priviledge
>>equivilent also? Shouldn't I be able to call out muslims
>>the terrorist muslims?
>So it's ok for you to talk about terrorism, but not me to talk
>about some Christians being hypocrites. That is a white
>privilege equivalent.

I was saying for OKP to say 'terrorist muslims aren't significant in islam', why can't I say 'hypocritcal christians are not significant in christianity'?

>>>>But it makes certain folks more secure to think all
>>>>are extremely flawed.
>>>>That's unwise.
>>>It does make some people feel more secure to think that
>>>all equal in sin, and therefore all equal in Jesus' eyes in
>>>our deserving of forgiveness. I'm all for anything that
>>>people feel more secure about Jesus' sacrifice and their
>>>worthiness to receive it. If you think that's unwise, more
>>>power to you, but I'm not one of those Christians who
>>>some Christians as higher than others in Jesus' eyes. I've
>>>changed in that regard, you just weren't paying attention,
>>>were reading what I said and making it into something
>>I don't see where I graded christians. Like you assumed I'd
>>run away, you're coming up with a lot of agenda stuff.
>"Some christians will talk about sin. Some will have their
>lives in right order with the Heavenly Father and Jesus.
>Some christians will talk about sin and not have their lives
>in right order with the Heavenly Father and Jesus."
>There's a pretty big difference in grading there.

You are calling different states of existence a grade. You've already said there are christian who are hypocritcal (and since you have recently state that isn't totally what all christian are) then there are, in your estimation, some christian WHO ARE NOT HYPOCRITICAL.


>>What am I running from? Spell it out.
>LOL at the divorced, kids out of wedlock, and/or porn lovin
>So busy wringing their hands over their prejudice and trying
>to dress it up as righteous anger. Funnily enough they're
>usually down for Cosby despite his serial cheating on his
>Start holding them to task for those things and watch them cry
>about persecution, just as they delight in likewise
>'persecuting' those who don't meet their double standard of

This is a group of flawed christians. I already admitted there are flawed christians. Just like many on OKP say there are some non-terrorist muslims.

Are you going to emphasized flawed christians? Is it wrong to emphasize terrorist muslims?

>either I'm way off....but I thought you were christian at one
>If you were, you've made quite the change.
>You've not made any attempt to show how my first post has
>anything to do with me not being a Christian anymore. You've
>tried to turn my selection of some Christians for a charge of
>hypocrisy into a comment about all Christians. You're still
>running from it.

I was just struck by a message from someone who I had thought to be a christian that was looking for negativity about christians.

I really couldn't communicate with you until I got your frame of reference straightened out. I literally was shocked at what I perceived to be a big change.