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Topic subjectRE: You said I wouldn't stick around. I'm here.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12716879&mesg_id=12717332
12717332, RE: You said I wouldn't stick around. I'm here.
Posted by c71, Tue Feb-03-15 02:02 PM

>All Christians have flaws, "blatant" or otherwise. If you're
>going to come hard against Bruce Jenner in this post, or me
>for that matter, without going hard against yourself, I'm
>calling hypocrisy, especially if you're on that divorce/child
>out of wedlock/porn tip which gets right into the so called
>family values portion of the Christian conservative bloc that
>rails against the likes of Bruce Jenner.

Some christians will talk about sin. Some will have their lives in right order with the Heavenly Father and Jesus.

Some christians will talk about sin and not have their lives in right order with the Heavenly Father and Jesus.

Certain types like to focus on the hypocritical christians, but that is unwise because there are christians who are in order with their lives.

But it makes certain folks more secure to think all christians are extremely flawed.

That's unwise.