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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectIt's ridiculous.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12701973&mesg_id=12702024
12702024, It's ridiculous.
Posted by Meadow, Sun Jan-18-15 07:16 PM
Black women carry a lot of fucking burden.

Many us manage this crazy ass world with grace.
That's beautiful to see.

I can't make my ass smaller.
I can't make my hair straighter.

I'm not going to.

But I am constantly getting messages that I am less than, or that I'm not beautiful.

Or that I'm sassy.
That I give it up easy.
That I'll turn into one of those "RHOA bitches" if provoked.

Many of us suffer from undiagnosed depression.
Our feelings, our lives are constantly seen as less than.

Do black girls that get shot by the police have the same attention and coverage? No, they don't.

I won't touch on the classism issues affecting Black women, because it devolves into sexist dribble here.

I could go on and on...

But the Black men and Black women on the internet taking jabs at each other don't realize that they are talking about the same oppressed, poverty-stricken Black person. The same shit affects us but in amazingly different ways because of our gender/sexuality.