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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectCo-Worker Drama
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12698061&mesg_id=12698820
12698820, Co-Worker Drama
Posted by SankofaII, Wed Jan-14-15 02:24 PM
so closeted lesbian who works with me during nightshift over the weekend.

BE worried about your job security since all those memos about turning in substandard work product, coming in hella late and not telling anyone and the reiteration of not having relations with your coworkers IS ABOUT YOU....you know that right?

We ALL know about you and ole girl hooking up and how you claim her "offering" to watch your dog at your house while you work is really y'all fucking when you go home for lunch....

all those Australian dictations you turned in, those were all returned by the PARTNERS of those offices (Perth, Sydney, Melbourne). If it's one returned dictation, it happens and dictations/transcriptions are hard as hell and a) no one loves to do them and b) no matter how many you do you will make mistakes. BUT NINE? from three different partners in ALL of the Australia offices? #GURLBYE #YOUINTROUBLE

But, you keep telling the boss how I'm never doing work and how attorneys complain about me on the phone YET NOT ONE report about me doing incomplete or poor work has popped up in the entire nearly 16 months I've worked at the law firm.

But, yea, you keep running with them lies and you'll run your ass out of a job. And I will be HAPPY when you do....and so will everyone else since NO ONE likes your ass.

Fucking cretin