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Topic subjectRealized why we fight
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12698061&mesg_id=12698395
12698395, Realized why we fight
Posted by ThaAnthology, Wed Jan-14-15 11:44 AM
and that truth is scarier than anything else.

From the start of this year, she and I had a series of real talks. Tears were involved (from me as well), sentiment came out and promises were made.

We have come close to arguing a few times since then, but I found ways to qwell these upstarts and we've been good.

Until this morning. And now I know why. We have clear and abrupt differences in the way we wish to raise our son.

ex. he was supposed to pick 3 books last night to take to school for a writing project. He only picked 2. He told no one of this and this morning we spent a lot of time trying to figure out which to bring. I asked him why he didn't do it last night. No answer. (We do this dance all too often.)

So here she comes. At first she is on my side (which was a breath of fresh air) but then since he wasn't answering her either... she starts excusing him. "Oh, he's little..." "Oh, he should not be disturbed before school," Oh, he doesn't know... just let it be."

I am not one for all that. I am just not. My son should be able to come up with some kind of an answer. Tell me he forgot. Tell me he didn't know what to pick... tell me something besides "I don't know".

So from that point, I am upset with him, but now she is throwing darts at me. I am trying not to get more upset but now I am dealing with him and her. Bombarded. I realize she will always over-defend him to all, including me. She really does allow excuses for him. She would rather argue me until I wave the white flag, then hold him accountable.

This is something I don't know if a counselor can help us get passed. (Oh yeah, if I didn't qwell those other arguments... they would have escalated. I don't think she is trying as hard as I am.)

I cannot be her target when it comes to our son.

And things were going so well too.