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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectcourts haven't found an appreciable difference, as far as i know.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12695440&mesg_id=12696242
12696242, courts haven't found an appreciable difference, as far as i know.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 01:31 PM
so in a court context, mom's complaint about the photog's act (taking her kid's permission in an airport terminal w/o consent) has no legs.

of course mom seems to think the photog taking the kid's pic w/o consent is more creepy than the dozens of security cameras that also captured the kid's image in that setting (though mom doesn't know where the cameras are or whether the cameras capture still or video images or where the video feed(s) go or who if anyone is watching them or whether the feed is recorded and what if anything is done w/any potential recording of her kid's image). too bad for mom - in that if she took her complaint to the police and all that jazz it wouldn't amount to much.

generally, mom needs to get over herself here. i understand why she's bothered though.