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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjecti'd be creeped out by your suggestion.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12695440&mesg_id=12696034
12696034, i'd be creeped out by your suggestion.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 11:41 AM
that's more creepy than just taking the pix w/o permission, IMO.


and i believe if the photos are to be used for a purely commercial purpose the subject's consent would be required first. so while the photog could capture the photo for a commercial purpose w/o consent he would need to get a release signed before the pic could be used commercially.

considering how many cameras captured that child's image in that airport setting w/o the mom's awareness or permission, it's kinda unreasonable for her to trip about an amateur or professional photog capturing the girl's image in that very public setting. it's life. it might make mom a bit sketched out but she needs to get over herself, IMO.