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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectIt ain't about that, fam.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12695440&mesg_id=12696010
12696010, It ain't about that, fam.
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 11:28 AM
First and foremost let me be very clear.

I don't do this.

I don't take my camera wherever I go, I take my camera where I am hired to be.

I do, however, respect the right of photographers to capture natural life as it happens.

And when you (they) see an interesting moment, you capture it then and deal with the formalities after the fact.

If you make your presence known, you might as well not do it at all, because people get self-conscious or start posing.

It ain't about a book cover, it's about art.

Some of the greatest photos in our history were taken before permission was granted to do anything with them.

The respect of the art and profession of photography has diminished severely over the years due to accessibility and the internet.. So in the prime era of the old man in this story, someone would be more likely to be happy that a professional would want to capture them.

Unfortunately it ain't like that no more.

So I stick to the candids that I'm paid to take.