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Topic subjectI thought it was very good. And I thought some other things too. [spoilers]
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12647560&mesg_id=12695728
12695728, I thought it was very good. And I thought some other things too. [spoilers]
Posted by Hitokiri, Sun Jan-11-15 11:33 PM
Very interesting to start with the Birmingham church bombing. That was powerful. But not necessarily central to the story they choose to tell. I smiled so hard though listening to them talk about hair.

David Oyelowo was great as King in my opinion. But I still would've rather seen Craig Robinson as MLK.

The SNCC side story was very interesting to see taking place in the periphery. I would've liked to see more of that.

Carmen Ejogo is fine as shit. She did a good job as Coretta and was well cast.

I was pretty disappointed in the centrality of white involvement. Especially when I thought about what could've been shown instead. Ie Malcolm's speech.

The violence was powerful. It was real. It was heartbreaking. Jimmy Jackson's grandfather was the most difficult scene for me.