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Topic subjectFuxk Dallas the entire god damn city & their chiclet toothed botox owner.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12694454&mesg_id=12694924
12694924, Fuxk Dallas the entire god damn city & their chiclet toothed botox owner.
Posted by guru0509, Sat Jan-10-15 01:06 AM
I hope the Packers win by 50.

After that IDC who wins this year. Carolina I suppose. Cam balling out with his broken back would be a cool story.

I have a feeling Seahawks repeat though in a nail biter over Green Bay.

Denver is gonna run wild on Indy.

Belicheat and the cheating ass cheaters will never win another superbowl.