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Topic subjectI think we've learned a lot since the 60s.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12694717&mesg_id=12694868
12694868, I think we've learned a lot since the 60s.
Posted by MiQL, Fri Jan-09-15 10:32 PM
>some bullshit in Lamar's statement on the surface....
>But black folks saying respect yourself ain't nothing new.
>Even when black people were getting brutalized by cops in the
>'60s, the Black Panthers were preaching self-respect....The
>problem here is that Lamar made it seem like cops beat us
>because we don't respect ourselves (They have harassed and
>beat us when have worn suits in a lot of cases)...And when
>it's being said to Billboard no less it looks sideways...

Respectability politics wasn't ok then and it sure as hell ain't ok now.

BP done some great things.
NOI done some great things.
They've also done *a lot* of unfortunate shyt that (I hope) we have learned from.
Respectability is one of them.
How we treat women is another.
Hell, Black Panthers in the 60s would have issues w/ LBGTQ involvement in this current movement.
So, I wouldn't argue 'Well, back in the 60s...'

Further, to continue his unfortunate logic, he suggests that Tamir Rice didn't respect himself.
He suggests that Renisha McBride didn't respect herself or that if you don't respect yourself, you don't deserve life.

He's better off avoiding topics he knows little about.

What I'm curious about, however, is what the actual question was, though.