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Topic subjectI read what you wrote.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12691652&mesg_id=12693384
12693384, I read what you wrote.
Posted by initiationofplato, Thu Jan-08-15 11:37 AM
First of all let me say that I do not know you or your history. I respect and admire you simply because you are human. I have no reason to attack you or to insult you and I never will. Perhaps I did not do a good job of expressing my views yesterday but I did not intend to distract you and I was saddened that our exchanges took such a pointless turn. I apologize for my part in it and for upsetting you.

Overall, I think that when you say "I stand with the oppressed" you pigeon hole yourself into a narrow perspective, and use a narrow scope to observe and assess a much larger reality. I don't think you see anything on the periphery and focus directly into what you personally believe constitutes oppression. You have clearly outlined who is the oppressed and who is the oppressor, and I think that is dangerous, because it allows you to excuse, or claim to understand why these extremists would kill cartoonists and innocent bystanders. The very fact they killed innocent bystanders proves it had nothing to do with freedom. It was simply a terrorist act designed to instill fear, and nothing more. It was not a revolutionary act.

The reason why I brought up many Muslim nations most Muslim's are fleeing is because oppression has no face or name. It is universal. The sad reality is that Islam in its true form has been lost to the world. I know this because I spent years studying it. It has nothing to do with violence. It is potentially one of the most beneficial forms of faith there is. Islam teaches that we are all part of god. There are no infidels and enemies. Muhammad himself was ostracized for teaching this. He was a man of love whom loved his wife, and the reason why the color green is celebrated in Islam, is because it was the color of his wife's veil.

The terrorists in question attacked and killed cartoonists. That is not an act which promotes freedom, or an act that illuminates oppression in any way. It will have nasty effects on the Muslim population in France who practice Islam. Already, Mosque's are being attacked. It is an act which creates oppression.

My very simple point is that Muslim's who would like to fight oppression, should first eliminate it in the countries they are fleeing. If these extremists truly cared about Islam and their people, they would not destroy their name. France is hardly a place where Muslims are suffering in great number and in horrible conditions, and you cannot take their reality and connect it to every other form of oppression you brought up: Black Americans, or Mexicans. It is not the same thing. That is why I don't agree with you. You group everything into one group based on your personal experience and make it universal, and that is problematic for me.