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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectWould you react the same way if a Christian shot up the South Park guys?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12691652&mesg_id=12692947
12692947, Would you react the same way if a Christian shot up the South Park guys?
Posted by Ted Gee Seal, Wed Jan-07-15 08:56 PM
>The glory and romance of the American flag is just as
>mythological but I recognize that it's something some
>Americans feel deeply.
>I don't give a shit about it personally but I let them cook,
>for the most part. I'd think publicly defecating on the Stars
>& Stripes for the sole purpose of going "U mad, bro?" is just
>as reprehensible.

The idea of intelligent satire vs being plain reprehensible is a matter of personal judgement and taste. I find Richard Dawkins and Bill Maher reprehensible on account of my religion pretty regularly.

There are plenty of things out there I could get into a huff over if I didn't recognise the reality that people don't have to respect my religious beliefs in the same way that I do, as long as they don't intrude on my religious freedom in the process. But if I wasn't that way, and got violent as a result, would there still be room for those sorts of comments?