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Topic subjectI agree.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12691053&mesg_id=12691151
12691151, I agree.
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Tue Jan-06-15 02:28 PM

and yes, NOI was very much about respectability politics.
the reason some ppl dog the concept out now is beause
often, the argument for respectability politics gets made
in the middle of ppl protesting about lack of funding in black schools,
lack of prosecutorial oversight in cases where cops kill negros, and various other systemic problems that have nothing to do with "black on black" crime.

it often sounds like a deflection,
and in some case they are just lying (why isnt there black outrage
over the murder rate in chicago?)

but yes, malcolm was all about respectability politics.
his message was needed.

>>) how much would that do to
>>eliminate the problems
>>that black people have?
>education -> income -> access
>working poor/middle class whites can't even get the government
>to act in their best interests so i'm not sure anyone is
>arguing that improved standards of living for black ppl ==
>elimination of every issue
>when you as a group rank at the bottom of most important
>metrics any net improvement is welcome i'd imagine
>>what would still need to be done to prevent stuff like the
>>garner case
>>if black people were perfectly excellent?
>something systematic and unlikely in the short term
>40+ yrs of incremental progress and we're still getting killed
>in the streets
>not sure we have the timeframe to pretend improvement as a
>community is mutually exclusive of racism
>you could argue that the dogma of the NOI was built on
>"respectability politics" in a racist society. so it's nothing
>new and not necessarily kowtowing to whitey imo
>ppl need to stop purposely conflating the issue