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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectImo, it has to be bred out over time.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12691053&mesg_id=12691124
12691124, Imo, it has to be bred out over time.
Posted by Wonderl33t, Tue Jan-06-15 02:15 PM
The things you mentioned would not be a panacea, and actually would be harmful imo because you'd be culturally throwing the baby out with the bath water....why not just bleach everyone's skin, too?

There were ideas and vernacular 50 years ago that are abhorred now, and there are ideas and vernacular now that will be abhorred in 50 years....it will take time. There are no quick fixes. That's my perspective.

And it's not a hyper-sensitivity that's needed...that's actually harmful, imo. The root need is education and respect. I don't even like the word Tolerance because that implies you hold ideas against a group but you're not voicing it.
