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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectdepends what the problem is
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12691053&mesg_id=12691123
12691123, depends what the problem is
Posted by southphillyman, Tue Jan-06-15 02:15 PM

>) how much would that do to
>eliminate the problems
>that black people have?

education -> income -> access
working poor/middle class whites can't even get the government to act in their best interests so i'm not sure anyone is arguing that improved standards of living for black ppl == elimination of every issue
when you as a group rank at the bottom of most important metrics any net improvement is welcome i'd imagine

>what would still need to be done to prevent stuff like the
>garner case
>if black people were perfectly excellent?

something systematic and unlikely in the short term
40+ yrs of incremental progress and we're still getting killed in the streets
not sure we have the timeframe to pretend improvement as a community is mutually exclusive of racism
you could argue that the dogma of the NOI was built on "respectability politics" in a racist society. so it's nothing new and not necessarily kowtowing to whitey imo
ppl need to stop purposely conflating the issue