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Topic subjectI think it would make a significant difference
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12691053&mesg_id=12691122
12691122, I think it would make a significant difference
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Tue Jan-06-15 02:15 PM
>i strive for excellence.
>there's a significant portion of the population that does.
>my question is, if all black people were to become perfectly
>excellent tomorrow (no boozing, no drugs, better fashion
>choices, no promiscuity, etc.) how much would that do to
>eliminate the problems
>that black people have?

I think racism in America has primarily taken the form of punishing black people more severely for their indiscretions. We're more likely to get a severe punishment for the same things other people do and we're less liekly to get the leeway to recover.

To me, if you can avoid as many of those pitfalls as possible, you're less likely to be subject to racism (though by no means immune).

>what would still need to be done to prevent stuff like the
>garner case
>if black people were perfectly excellent?

What if Garner was an accountant rather tha a repeat though non-violent offender that was known by police in the area? What if black people weren't perceived as paticularly dangerous and requiring maximum force to subdue and control? (which, I think, is a theme that's introduced into discussions about excessive police force when people bring up black-on-black crime stats as justification for extreme police violence)

It's less likely there would've been a Gardner case... and if there were, more people would be sympathetic to what happened to him.