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Topic subjectThe only solution to any social problem is education.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12691053&mesg_id=12691087
12691087, The only solution to any social problem is education.
Posted by initiationofplato, Tue Jan-06-15 01:51 PM
In my opinion, the biggest problem the collective world suffers from is the misplaced value in materialism and lack of education. Many of us will choose money over character/knowledge.

Humanity is still evolving, and perhaps still too young to embrace altruistic values over material ones. Part of that is social programming, sure, part of that is political and socio-economic influence. The majority of our issues are in part due to the disconnect between each other and nature.

Caring for others, and wanting to see them elevate to a level of excellence that exceeds their current state is a good thing. Attempting to tell people how they should do that however, is not.

The conditions you outlined are impractical given their specificity. Christ has nothing to do with having good values, neither does waiting for marriage before you have sex. As soon as you start imposing rules/guidelines to progress, you become a Tyrant and alienate yourself. Every tyrant in history has had to build walls to defend themselves from for a reason.

Education today is free. If you immerse yourself in any field for long enough, it elevates your character. People do not like being told what is right and wrong. We are experiential learners. We must feel, see, and touch for ourselves before we understand. Study science long enough and you see that religion does not have to play the most significant part in your daily life. Study philosophy and you learn about social virtues, order, and reasoning. Study health and medicine, and you learn about your own body and how to take care of it. Education builds good reason and creates good decision makers on its own.

If you educate someone, you never have to tell them something is wrong, or that they shouldn't do it. They will make the right choice themselves, and ultimately, that is what we should strive for. Good reason and character is symptomatic of education. I do not wish to live in a world where I am told what to do, or where I have to tell someone what to do. Education can free all of us from that struggle.

There are several ancient societies which practiced "self-governance", the only universal condition the government provided/advocated was to elevate the public through education. In fact, the concept of the University came from Egyptian "Mystery Schools" which initiated all candidates, and determined whether or not they possessed the right set of values to be admitted. Even drug use was seen as a positive experience, that only the well educated enjoyed.

Pythagoras, arguably one of the most brilliant people to ever live, spent 20 years attempting to be admitted into one such school. It is written about him that when he emerged from this school, his mere presence could still a riot. A place like Egypt, with all its wonders, was not conceived and built on the back of slaves. It was built by a society which prized education and character above all else.

The library in Alexandria, before it was destroyed, had volumes which were over 10,000 years old. Plato too, was initiated and educated in Egypt. Coincidentally, this is what I draw the inspiration for my OKP name from.