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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjecthelp me understand respectability politics.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12691053&mesg_id=12691053
12691053, help me understand respectability politics.
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Tue Jan-06-15 01:26 PM
my new years resolution is to not correct ppl on OKP.
so no responses from me will accuse you of
being a coon, or call you stupid, or whatever
I normally do when I disagree with ppl about this.

question 1: if black kids would dress better,
quit listening to rap, completely stop all drug experimentation,
not have sex until they got married, save and invest all the money they have instead of buying clothes, rims, and sneakers, and give their
life to christ,

would that solve the problems black people face?

question 2: if the problem wouldn't be solved, how much better
would life in america be for black people if
overnight, all black people became conservatively
dressed, 100 percent law abiding, god fearing citizens?

question 3: assuming all black people became 100 percent respectable tomorrow, what else would have to be done to get true equality?

question 4: how do you respond to disillusioned black youth that feel that no amount of respectability politics can actually change their lives for the better?

No snark.
No condescension.

I am asking because I want to understand the perspective
of ppl I often disagree with (online and off).