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Topic subjectso by that reasoning you would get blown by a man
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12687559&mesg_id=12687904
12687904, so by that reasoning you would get blown by a man
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Wed Dec-31-14 12:22 PM
>Many fake asses look comical and are no different to the ones
>transgendered women get.
>If you would have sex with a woman that has a fake ass it's
>not a stretch to say you would have sex with a woman that has
>a fake vagina.
>You're young though so you're just exploring your sexuality.
>Nothing wrong with that. Be free. It doesn't mean that you're

I mean, if you would have a woman go down on you, you would also have a man do it 'cause, you know, they both have a mouth... Right?

You would also suck on a man's chest 'cause, you know, men and women both have nipples.

You would also jack off another man 'cause, you know, you have a dick and touch yours often and other men have dicks so...

Nigga, that post was a reach of astronomical proportions. You connecting dots that ain't even in the same coloring book.