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Topic subject#TeamJay
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12679522, #TeamJay
Posted by CaptNish, Thu Dec-18-14 12:16 PM
Sarah's producer is the only person on this show that has spoken logically about this case lol. I'm glad she gave her the floor.

Look, I'm just not buying the random killer theory. Nothing about that explains Jay one bit. HE KNEW WHERE THE FUCKING CAR WAS AND WE'RE TALKING ABOUT A RANDOM KILLER!!!! Jesus Christ....

There are three things I see as plausible:

- Jay did it (or hired someone to do it)
- Adnan did it (or hired someone to do it)
- Jay and Adnan did it (or hired someone to do it)

I don't buy Jay doing it alone because I do not see a motive at all. Not any of this "He was mad that Adnan was friends with his girl." None of this "He wanted to fuck Haw to get back at Adnan's friendship with his girl." Nothing. I'm open to listening to any theory of Jay's motive, but I see none so far that have given me pause. The fact that in 12 episodes, Sarah Koenig did not directly ask Adnan, "Why would Jay put this on you?" or drill him about Jay is crazy to me.

That conversation with Don was perfect in pointing out how ludicrous it is that Adnan "doesn't remember" what he did that day. And then the friend of Jay's who didn't know Adnan's name but knew Jay was scared for his life? Maaaaaaaan....

I'm satisfied with the ending, and had I been a juror, even with my thinking he did it, I would've voted to acquit much like Sarah, but until anyone can tell me a plausible motive for Jay to lie, I ain't buying that Adnan is innocent.