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Topic subjectpathmark is trifflin'...
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12676056, pathmark is trifflin'...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Mon Dec-15-14 03:35 PM
..mostly because they know that a large contingent of their customers don't have the means to shop elsewhere ($$$, location, etc.).

i've shopped at a TON of different grocers in nyc (fairway is still tops in my book), but pathmark is the worst.

filthy stores (floors AND shelves)
pests/vermin infestation
horrible management
poor selections (too many exp product on the shelves)

admittedly, pathmark is one of the cheaper grocery chains in the area, but they clearly don't care about providing their customers with decent options. i've spoken to store managers, and most could care less about improving their stores.

*don't get me wrong, i'm not a food snob that only shops @ fairway, trader joes, or whole foods, but i refuse to shop at pathmark unless i have no other option.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...