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Topic subjectI like ALL of these.....thank you!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12675571&mesg_id=12675625
12675625, I like ALL of these.....thank you!
Posted by FLUIDJ, Mon Dec-15-14 11:07 AM
10 year old girl is kinda mellow. very inquisitive, kind of matter-of-fact....sadly, i'm not too up to speed on her full personality as I haven't spent nearly as much time with her as an uncle should :(

7 year old girl is very hyper too. She's a girly girly indeed. I highlighted her living situation as I figured that would provide more insight into her practical needs. I like the bag idea a lot though. I was trying to thing of something she could carry with her from house to house.