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Topic subjectsays the guy who went from:
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12673769&mesg_id=12675262
12675262, says the guy who went from:
Posted by Mynoriti, Sun Dec-14-14 08:33 PM
"if someone does something stupid at work, they should expect the public to see it"


"One time is all takes however it comes out"

yes, this is true all the time for the .0001% of people this happens to. so yes. 100% of people should absolutely expect something to happen to them based on it happening to the .0001%

>Anything on a computer at work is not safe.

you compared work emails between two people to posting on social media, and message boards. you do understand there's a difference, right?

>You should expect it if you are the VP of a corp that was
>already hacked.

that's a far cry from saying anything dumb anyone does at work should be expected to become public knowledge.

>Where did I say anything about heroes ?

"What kind of moral argument says oh the hackers are wrong
for spreading my racist work emails ?"

The hackers aren't wrong? The hackers are less wrong because they found some racism? Yes, the heroes comment was tongue and cheek, but really, what are you saying?
It's not like they hacked into Sony in search of exposing racist jokes of a couple of their employees. Even if they did, they'd still be much more in the wrong than a couple assholes telling bad jokes.

I tried to give you
>another chance to address the question in reply 29 so you
>wouldn't move the goalpost and respond to things I didn't say
>like " company rights" and now questions about "hacker

LOL. i came in here in response to your "if someone does something stupid at work, they should expect the public to see it" comment. That's where i chimed in. I'm not sure why you keep pointing to a post i never replied to like i'm avoiding it.

But, sure, i'll play. as far as Buddy G's post, while there are some differences, it's still wrong of us to look through all this shit. but human nature's a bitch. It's out there, and i'm gonna look at it. Same thing i did with the fappening.