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Topic subjectCosby part 6
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12657408&mesg_id=12672073
12672073, Cosby part 6
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Dec-11-14 08:02 AM
(see what i did there? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_Part_6)


one of his accusers is suing him for defamation, claiming she was defamed by Cosby's denials of her accusation. HUH???


that's some creative legalizing right there. and i think it'll backfire on ol' girl. but what do i know?

Cos gets to use truth as a defense...so here we go! he's getting his day in court. if this case survives summary judgment, that is.

maybe his lawyers can convince a judge that the producer is a public figure which would force the producer to prove actual malice in order to prevail. i dunno.