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Topic subjectAnd how do you know that?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12657408&mesg_id=12668455
12668455, And how do you know that?
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Fri Dec-05-14 04:03 PM
What AM I defending?
My only point is that you can't be so quick to believe what you hear about Black figures
who've fought to uplift Black people and expose white plagiarism of African culture.
You say Bill hasn't done anything for Black people... it's like you really don't know the man's
track record. He's long been one to highlight how racism affects Black children and the
way we develop in this country. IF he is a rapist, then I can't rock with that, but I do know
for a bonafied fact that America does NOT want Black people waking up and being conscious
and that media is one of the main avenues of keeping us sleep and keeping white folks
viewing us a certain way. Bill Cosby has always countered that negative image.