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Topic subjectI'm more or less on the same page.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12665837&mesg_id=12668143
12668143, I'm more or less on the same page.
Posted by jane eyre, Fri Dec-05-14 01:07 PM
>he doesn't know why his friend would do this (yes he does, even if >he's innocent he knows why)

That's what I think, too.

My ears perked up when a member of the track team, 15 years later, reported to Koenig that it wasn't unusual to see Jay and Adnan riding together because Jay would drop Adnan off at track practice all the time-- and no one even thought about it.

That memory/account strikes me as fairly reliable.

Yet Adnan can't remember much about Jay or his "friendship" with Jay? Jay who seems, by all accounts, to have been "high school weird"?

>and he's seems uncaring about the whole situation with Jay.


Koenig says flat out to Adnan, when discussing blame and accountability (as Adnan is taking responsibility for his actions) that he could blame Jay.

He downplays it and doesn't even say anything about it.

>While I understand "the truth needs no proof", I'd be damned if I >let my "friend" lie on me...


Not getting why not more outrage about Jay. Maybe there's a reason for it that makes perfect sense.

Even if I was a forgiving soul, I would be trying to understand WHY Jay was pinning a crime on me, if I was innocent.

I don't understand why part of Adnan's claim about his innocence doesn't include a more vigorous examination of Jay or the day in question.

>and the whole thing with jay is the reason why i can't be 100% >with Adnan.


The Jay factor is the only thing that bothers me. Something isn't right there. It's possible that the something not being right has nothing to do with Adnan and his guilt or innocence.

Did Jay do it? Alone? With someone else? Then pin it on Adnan?
Did Jay hear about the murder from someone else and then pin it on Adnan? Hear it from Adnan? Was he with Adnan? Did he and Adnan agree to a story and then Jay decided not to go along with the agreement?

I mean. Ok. Jay has this story. WHY is Adnan part of it?!

I want to know how/where Jay got his story!!