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12667174, hm.
Posted by jane eyre, Thu Dec-04-14 01:55 PM
Started listening because of this post.

I think Adnan has something to do with the murder. And may have done it. I'm on episode 9.

The thing I can't get past: in my mind Adnan hasn't given a sufficient or convincing explanation about all things Jay.

Why would Jay name Adnan? Connect him to the crime? I don't buy the theories floated by Koenig. I think Adnan and Jay are lying. I think both are likely telling some truth, too.

No matter how Jay's version of events are discredited and change, I always come back to Jay knowing where the body and car was etc. How'd he come to know that? It's odd to me that Adnan hasn't asserted or implied that Jay killed Hae or had something to do with her murder (unless I missed that).

Annoying that it took Koenig 6-7 months to talk to Jay and that the suggestion that she should was so "gasp" worthy. Not sure, at this point, she's as objective as she could be. Talking to Jay seems like a no brainer. Maybe she didn't want to face the possibility Adnan might he guilty. Not being so impacted by her meeting with him was intense and odd. Wish we could hear from Hae's parents, too.

Adnan is charming. Blah. When he was telling Koenig she didn't know him, I was like: game set match. She better listen to that.

Not mad about the news of an appeal, yet feel Hae has been lost in all of the coverage about Adnan. I feel badly for her family. And the podcast puts him center stage in away that I sometimes struggle with.