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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectOf course.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12657408&mesg_id=12658550
12658550, Of course.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Sun Nov-23-14 05:24 AM
>There was an accusation in 2000.


>Here's the most comprehensive list of when accusations
>occurred i've found:

And you telling me that doesn't sound like BS? I really do thank for posting that, though.
I've been looking for it, and all anyone would do is insist that he's a rapist instead
of sticking to whatever facts they were basing that on.

>If this was a plan to take him down and discourage positive
>media representations for the black community, when was the
>plan set in motion?

From the article you posted, it looks like 2005. Andrea Constand sounds like the original pawn.
"Oh I got hella witnesses! but nobody wants to come forth." Slowly they began to
find more women who would accuse him for a piece of change.... but don't forget, ladies,
the story is that he drugged you and asked you to wet your hair. Stick to the script!

>are you thinking the plan is simply to uncover things he actually did do? Or
>was the plan to frame him for stuff he did not actually do?

The latter.

>Help this make sense for me.

No prob. One of the most mind-blowing things here, for me, is that I'm being asked
to believe that a white women IN THE SIXTIES (and 70s too for that matter) was
afraid to report being raped by a BLACK man. *blank stare into camera*
"Oh he was so powerful!" So they were just COMPLETELY unaware of the racial
politics of America? Hell all they had to do was SAY he did, and he was gone.
I swear if that really happened, we wouldn't even know who Bill Cosby is.
I understand that it's real that women most often don't report rape for many reasons,
and I think that's why people are sympathizing with this "I didn't wanna say anything"
narrative, but the 60s and 70s? Black man rapes white woman? You gonna have to do more
to sell me on that.