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Topic subjecti said that.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12657408&mesg_id=12658310
12658310, i said that.
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Sat Nov-22-14 03:04 PM

even if this subculture exists, and i am not convinced it does,
that DOESN'T mean that cosby is exonerated.

because as i said, if this existed, it was a subculture
and there's nothing to indicate that the women that got drugged
knew what they were signing up for when they had a night on the town with cosby.

as i said earlier... if John Lennon and Keith Richards and Phil Spectar have a lost weekend, and they hang out with some other ppl that are about that life and everything
that goes along with it,

that's different from Bill taking a "civilian" that is NOT about that life
that had no idea what she was getting into and drugging her and fucking her.

so really, the fact that this subculture may have existed doesn't mean cosby isn't a sexual predator.

>that scene.
>>i don't buy that all hardcore drugs/ swinger friendly ppl
>>were on that shit.
>>but i can see there being a subset of ppl where getting your
>>drinks spiked sometimes was par for the course.
>>as i said, i have never done drugs or had sex in an era
>>spiking a drink was anything other than reprehensible. we
>>PSA's about it.
>>but hey, maybe there were ppl that consented to getting down
>>that way.
>>i am not convinced, but it's an interesting argument and i
>>don't know how i feel about it yet.
>>i'm thinking out loud.
>>>about exactly. The Hollywood scene? are people actually
>>>making the the long jump leap in logic that by virtue of
>>>women being actresses or in hollywood they were implicitly
>>>consenting to the rampant drug use/whatever scene? seems
>>>pretty specious to me and i don't buy it