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Topic subject"yeah, my wife and i had our drinks spiked before."
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12657408&mesg_id=12658163
12658163, "yeah, my wife and i had our drinks spiked before."
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Sat Nov-22-14 10:45 AM
"we didn't get raped, per se. but they were swingers
and we did stuff we normally wouldn't.

i know it's weird, but it was kinda accepted in the drug scene back then
that sometimes your drinks got spiked.

i guess i'm not saying it's right, but i don't know if
it's as bad as it looks."

^ an older guy that partied a lot back in the day.

i don't know if he's right.
but i was talking about this post to an older friend of mine just now.
i dunno how common his experience is.
and even if it WAS an accepted part of a certain sub-sub culture,
i atill don't know what to make of that.

i mean one level it feels like "no, it's totally cool. rape was acceptable back then."

but i guess it could also be read as "when you're in that scene,
there were certain things you implicitly consented to,
and it's not quite fair to use today's standards to judge what was done then."

i don't know how i feel about this,
but it was a perspective i couldn't have thought of
because i've never been having sex or doing drugs in a scene
where that is acceptable behavior.

we had actuall PSAs talking about how that is NOT acceptable behavior.