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Topic subjectThey don't want Black people owning NBC or film distribution
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12657408&mesg_id=12658118
12658118, They don't want Black people owning NBC or film distribution
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Sat Nov-22-14 05:45 AM
It pains me greatly that BLACK people don't understand the politics of the situation.
We can never know what action to truly take if we don't even understand the tactics
of our own exploitation. White folks stay playing us in films that should feature dark
people. They'll feed you RHOA all day but wouldn't give you a Les Brown show.
This is because WE don't control this stuff and what's put out.
Yall tell me this is Black Studies 101, then why don't yall see what's going on?
I know why. Because they don't teach you this shit in no school.
This is the same thing that happened with Michael Jackson. He was a Black man who
OPENLY spoke about the mistreatment of Black entertainers and our exclusion from
mainstream history, and he OWNED TOO MUCH. When you own shit, you can change
all of that. This is what William Henry Cosby wanted to do!
You have so many BLACK people out here RIGHT NOW talking about how Black people
only sing about sex or aren't open-minded or whatever else. This shit is largely dictated
by how we're represented in media. Some take their ideas from that, and alotta our
children just be what they think they're supposed to be, not seeing examples of themselves
multifaceted. This is largely a media issue. If the images change, the masses change.

Why the hell do yall think Cosby cared so much about OUR image that he went
on the tirade telling us to pull up our pants and shit? He wasn't just being a cynical
old man. He was tired! Tired from being denied over and over in trying to bring
us positive images of ourselves. Everything Bill ever gave us was positive down
to Fat Albert. He wanted the rest of us to be able to do the same, but here we are
mad at him and defending ignorance, going on about how no one was around, so
the media raised us. Well he was doing everything he could to change that media
so that it would impact you positively. Sorry muthafuckas mad at HIM tho instead
of being mad at the folks who make sure all your messages about yourself are negative.