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Topic subjectI think you're just doing you.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12657408&mesg_id=12657609
12657609, I think you're just doing you.
Posted by luvlee2003, Fri Nov-21-14 02:38 PM
>But I'm just still trying to digest stuff like that lady who
>remained in a relationship with Cos for 20 years after
>supposedly being raped. I want to understand more about it.

Yeah I think this gets into the nuance of different people's reactions to being abused. If she felt she was his mistress or whatever I don't view her much different than a married woman being raped by her husband. She can call it what it was but to me it's a separate issue from the state of their relationship. She was his mistress and he raped her once. She was still his mistress after the fact but now their already effed up relationship got a little more effed up. I doubt theres a lot of respect in those kind of relationships. Respect for each other or themselves.

>Maybe the big New Yorker or Vanity Fair piece is coming where
>she gets to explain the way her mind worked, but I don't get
>If that makes me a tone-deaf, insensitive brute, so be it...
>Indulge me. But I want to understand. I truly do.
>>>Again: I'm not trying to denigrate these women. If they
>>>truly spent the last few decades traumatized by their
>>>with Cos, I sincerely feel for them. They deserve to be
>>>They deserve to be healed.
>>Perhaps that's what's happening now?
>Like I said, if that's what's happening it's all good.
>But I don't think it's wrong to maintain a healthy (though
>respectful) degree of skepticism, at least initially.

Word. That's fair.

>(btw I don't think what Don Lemon asked was particularly
>"wrong"... though the Don Lemony way he asked it obviously was

Here's my issue with Don Lemon *pours a glass of juice* I don't understand what his intent was with asking that question to someone who says they were raped. If he was aiming it as a public service message ("I'm sorry this happened to you but maybe we can highlight some ways that could help other people prevent being sodomized") it was a lousy way to go about it. A rapist gonna rape. Very little you can do to prevent it in the moment. If he was genuinely trying to mansplain ways that she could've avoided this ("I'm sorry this happened to you but do you realize you could've done this to avoid that trauma?") he's an asshole.

>I don't know, maybe that's a bit too much intellectualization
>on my part? It could be. It's just the way my brain works.

I've watched you argue with people for what seemed like pretty substantial hours of your life re:dangelo. Lol you're just a chatty guy. I think you're just trying to make it all make sense. I think some of us think we have it figured out while some of us are still just trying to make it make sense. Unless he confesses outright, we'll never really know.