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Topic subjectRE: my reply to luvlee's reply #462 in previous post
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12657538, RE: my reply to luvlee's reply #462 in previous post
Posted by luvlee2003, Fri Nov-21-14 02:06 PM

>But it gets tricky when you have people who grew up in the 70s
>suddenly deciding that they were abused by their parents. I'm
>not talking about people who were genuinely abused... I mean,
>people who just got standard-issue whuppings and are now
>looking at the past through the eyes of the present.
>(An example of this is the way people are reacting to Cosby's
>old "Spanish fly" routine which is perfectly innocent in its
>own context, imho... but when you cast the light on the
>present on it, it takes on a new shape)
>And since we're slinging around psychological studies, there
>are plenty of studies about this... about how suggestible the
>brain is to creating new memories or new interpretations of
>old memories when introduced to new information.

Could it be that I always felt it was a violation and i immediately went into a depression after the fact but realized that speaking up about it in that climate just wasn't worth my energy? Now I have the space to speak up about how it tarnished my life.

>Again: I'm not trying to denigrate these women. If they have
>truly spent the last few decades traumatized by their contact
>with Cos, I sincerely feel for them. They deserve to be heard.
>They deserve to be healed.

Perhaps that's what's happening now?

I bet ya if Cos
>goes down, it's a matter of time before other names start
>popping up, other big Hollywood stars and producers of the
>60s, 70s and 80s. It was a way of life then. Hollywood was and
>is a rough town, especially for pretty young women. Maybe that
>needs to happen, maybe all this dirty, filthy shit needs to be
>exposed to the world... I dunno.

I think it does need to come out. If it was standard practice in the 70's-80's to rape people (he offered me a drink laced with a drug. I passed out, not blacked out, passed out. I woke up not wearing my clothes and realizing someone had sex with me while I was asleep.) then, yes, that needs to be in the open. We all need to know that it was wrong and it hurt people. It damaged people.

We can't be okay with "my life was forever changed in a negative way from that moment but since everyone else was perpetrating assaults around that time I need to just let it go. I have no right to tell my story."