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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectcan someone plz explain htf police have the "right" to kill if they think
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12609528&mesg_id=12610399
12610399, can someone plz explain htf police have the "right" to kill if they think
Posted by Binlahab, Thu Oct-09-14 03:36 PM
You are a threat?

Why does that same logic not apply to me?

Why is the police officers life immd not just considered but flat out codified as more valuable to society...then mine?

In other words if an officer and I are in a confrontation...he may kill me because he is "in fear of his life" yet if I killed him with that exam same logic, I would be arrested for murder and prolly wouldn't make it back to the precinct for booking?

What laws are these that codified this as how it is?

I want this shit off the books. For real. Whatever laws that give this cover? I want any politician who wants my vote to pledge to strip them shits out his first day in office otherwise fuck him