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Topic subjectwe didn't get here overnight.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12495244&mesg_id=12495923
12495923, we didn't get here overnight.
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Mon Jun-30-14 12:16 PM
truth is, case_one, in many ways, is a figment of our collective imagination.
it's easy for us to say, "just ignore him."

and sometime i do.

but i didn't get there overnight.
lurking here 10 yrs ago and seeing SoWhat/ HotThyng argue with idiots helped me articulate
things i did not yet have the capacity to.

i never told him that, but it meant a lot to me.
i get that he does the "K" now, and i also understand why,
but my experience watching him do this song and dance showed me the value of it.

i'm not saying you're wrong.
but arguing with folks like case... it can help other ppl.

it helped me.

and it's also kinda fun sometimes.

>with a pig to teach an important lesson or share a viewpoint
>there are anti gay ppl that u could actually have a decent
>discussion with, even here, but he is not one of them
>the best lesson for unitiated gays to this brand of BS is to
>just ignore IMO