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Topic subjectRE: Do Black People Need White People to come up?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12444325&mesg_id=12444668
12444668, RE: Do Black People Need White People to come up?
Posted by tomjohn29, Mon May-12-14 12:33 PM

>I've come to the conclusion that the best thing you can do for
>poor black kids is to get them surrounded by middle class and
>upper class folks (I think preferably black). Being around
>people who are getting it done has a tremendous impact. My
>dude's theory dovetails with this because, well, most middle &
>upper class folks are white.

you do know middle class and upper class folks regardless of race usually run in some the same circles

i just moved

8 houses on my cul de sac

1) me and my wife (black/hispanic)
2) a greek couple
3) single black women
4)asian couple
5) white couple
6) african family
7)white couple
8)asian couple

these house are 550k and up
pretty sure that middle class
we live next to each other
probably work in some the same circles
do we need help as black folks from white folk
it helps...but is it a need maybe not
but why wouldnt i place my kid amongst white,black,asian latina
should i exclude him from conversing with upper middle class white folks