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Topic subjectSurvivor: Nicaragua (Season 21)
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54457, Survivor: Nicaragua (Season 21)
Posted by theillestboYee, Tue Aug-10-10 01:25 AM
Let's go! http://www.cbs.com/primetime/survivor/
54458, How 'bout them castaways? Jimmy Johnson is going to take it.
Posted by theillestboYee, Tue Aug-10-10 01:26 AM
54459, My first impression is....I would smash Na Onka
Posted by Deebot, Tue Aug-10-10 05:08 PM
54460, Who tuned in?!
Posted by theillestboYee, Thu Sep-16-10 02:14 AM
54461, RE: Survivor: Nicaragua (Season 21)
Posted by cali_steve, Thu Sep-16-10 09:49 AM
Man I love this show. I can see the nascar kid or Shannon the salesrep going far in the game. Darkhorse pick would be the brotha on the old team. Definitely got it right on the first vote and I can't see Jimmie Johnson going far in this game. I can see him leaving the game if he isn't voted. He lives way to good a life to put up with any discomfort.
54462, My pick to win, based on not much, is the "old" black guy
Posted by Deebot, Thu Sep-16-10 09:23 PM
that's who I'll be rooting for anyway.

Thoughts on the medallion of POWER? It's a gimmick, but I gotta say I kinda like it.
54463, He's cool.
Posted by biscuit, Thu Sep-16-10 09:59 PM
I'd like to see him win too.
54464, That power could end being a problem
Posted by Whiteout, Thu Sep-16-10 11:04 PM
If it gets to a point where it's used every time and the wins keep alternating.

I hope it has a once per team stipulation.

But I thought it could be a cool twist for an episode or few.
54465, That guy killed it at tribal counsel!
Posted by okaycomputer, Mon Sep-20-10 09:52 AM
The Jim Halpert facial expressions, the sarcastic "You look so young"

So good.

A few other thoughts:
-I'm conflicted, because Jimmy Johnson annoyed me, but I don't think I've ever seen somebody so happy to be there. I wish they would spend a little less time focusing on him though.

-I hate Shannon and his small face. That guy is sporting some serious D cups with those pecs.

-Man, could that under 30 team have earned any more checks in the 'annoying traits of your typical 20-someting checklist'? C'mon did you really need to have a cheer as you entered the challenge? I am firmly on the side of the oldies at this point.
54466, yall rollin with the brother, huh?
Posted by Mageddon, Fri Sep-17-10 09:56 AM
i'm a little worried with all the eye rolling he did at tribal council. doesn't seem like the most patient person on that tribe. he'll be fun to watch though.

based on the first episode my pick is Marty. got a lot of camera time in ths episode, and i'm getting a good vibe from him. seems really level headed.

that winnie cooper looking girl on the older tribe can get it. so can the cheerleader who got the medallion of power. the fact that she knows and said that guys always want to do shit for her, makes her hotter in my book. :-)

54467, word, they're settin Marty up for a deep run
Posted by Deebot, Fri Sep-17-10 11:36 AM
I get what you're saying.
54468, I think Jimmy played it perfect
Posted by Ceej, Sat Sep-18-10 09:50 AM
and seems like the old broads are with him. He may make a run.

Cheerleader could and will get it
54469, tough to say, because the other Jimmy has it OUT for him
Posted by Deebot, Sat Sep-18-10 12:59 PM
Jimmy J gonna have to pull a Russy and get the aggro Jimmy out soon.
54470, Wendy Jo interviewed by Rob Cesternino
Posted by Mageddon, Tue Sep-21-10 09:15 PM

also, episode one recap with Cirie

54471, I'll pass, that's gotta be all kinds of awkward
Posted by Deebot, Tue Sep-21-10 09:33 PM
I like Rob, but only when he's talking to ppl with a similar personality
54472, you have good instincts
Posted by Mageddon, Tue Sep-21-10 09:44 PM
>I like Rob, but only when he's talking to ppl with a similar

He was a little condescending with Mary Jo.

The Cirie interview wasn't bad...well until Nicole -- who i find a little annoying-- called Cirie a cougar (she's married to a man in his early 30s).

I'm sure Nicole wasn't trying to be disrespectful, and Cirie pretty much just laughed it off, but come one...how about some tact?
54473, Nicole doesn't have much purpose
Posted by Deebot, Tue Sep-21-10 11:06 PM
i honestly don't know why she's even on there...I know they're married now but wtf, do your own thing lady. I haven't heard a single insightful comment out of her mouth yet.
Posted by Deebot, Wed Sep-22-10 07:34 PM
54475, that was insane
Posted by Mageddon, Wed Sep-22-10 07:51 PM
as much of an asshole Shannon was, dude would have made for GREAT tv, so i'm sorry to see him go. on the other hand, i didn't want brenda to go either. she has that dude WHIPPED. Can't blame him though, because if I was out there, I would be washing the sand from between her toes.

sista girl...I can't even say anything, because there's no way she's gonna change her attitude. just gotta step back and watch her self destruct.

I was lot more impressed with Coach Jimmy this episode. First ep, dude was trying too hard to push the "i'm here for you guys" flex. Seemed more like a natural leader this week. I like what he had to say about the crazy woman after the challenge. Some foreshadowing right there.

Don't sleep on Marty yall.
54476, How can Shannon date more beautiful girls than Sash?
Posted by theillestboYee, Thu Sep-23-10 05:19 PM
Shannon's been married for 11 years.
54477, Shannon interview with HitFix
Posted by okaycomputer, Fri Sep-24-10 09:08 AM

The assness continues.

I still think his "I'm a grown up" argument is hilarious.
54478, i am really sorry this dude got eliminated so early
Posted by Mageddon, Fri Sep-24-10 09:51 AM
I feel cheated.

We might have missed something great here.
54479, The White Knight
Posted by Mageddon, Fri Sep-24-10 12:10 PM
While speaking about Boston Rob, Lex made some interesting comments on his performance the 3 times he played Survivor.

Boston Rob 1.0: goofball

Boston Rob 3.0: powerful, but very little motivation.

Now, Boston Rob 2.0 from Survivor All Stars, he was at the top of his game. Lex thought his love for Amber put him in a place to physically and mentally dominate that season.

Is it possible we'll see the same White Knight effect with Chase?

He doesn't seem as calculating or cut throat as Rob, and Brenda might end up slitting his throat at some point, but it'll be interesting to see how that shit plays out.
54480, Shannon interview with Rob
Posted by Mageddon, Tue Sep-28-10 08:35 PM
Funny how Nicole talked so much shit about him, but not a peep out of her in this episode. You can tell she was shook, and Rob even called her out on it when they were done with Shannon.

54481, uhh
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Thu Sep-30-10 12:22 AM
what the fuck
54482, Naonka
Posted by Mageddon, Sat Oct-02-10 11:04 AM
Brenda said something really interesting during her interview in the episode. She was happy that Sista Attitude shared the clue with her because she perceives her as someone having power in their tribe.

I thought about it a bit, and you know what? As much as she's annoyed most of the viewers with her ugly personality, I don't think she's done much harm to herself within her tribe. Fabio and the two girls on the outs hate her, but the 4 in her alliance don't seem particularily bothered by her behavior. Kelly shoving, and banana smushing may change this, but there doesn't seem to be anyone in the tribe willing to call her out on it. She may go far in the game.

Marty was an early pick for me, but i'm not so sure anymore. Being jealous (visibly) about Jimmy Johnson? Really? I think he played the scheming hand way too early, and it wasn't even worth it. You can see some frustration on Jill's part, and I believe that Tyronne is on to him already. If they were really concerned with keeping the tribe strong, they would have sent Dan home. With that leg, dude appears to be useless. Even Jeff called him out during the immunity challenge.

Overall it was a pretty boring episode.
54483, good call on Marty
Posted by Deebot, Sat Oct-02-10 12:07 PM
I'm definitely rooting for Jill and Tyrone more than Marty. This guy might be an OVERthinker.

I know Naonka is enforcing a bunch of negative stereotypes right now, but she IS really entertaining. And she's there to WIN, which I can respect.
54484, she ignant
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sat Oct-02-10 06:57 PM
how you gonna talk shit about someone because they have a prosthetic leg though? thats just straight up ignorance
54485, girlys tryin too hard to be 'that' chick
Posted by Ceej, Sun Oct-03-10 10:57 AM
54486, I was ready to diss the shit out of Marty
Posted by Mageddon, Wed Oct-06-10 07:46 PM
but it looks like there's gonna be player swapping next week, so i'll have to hold off.

This season's been a failure so far.
54487, I didn't like Marty at first but he's starting to grow
Posted by go mack, Fri Oct-08-10 11:01 AM
mainly cuz the rest of the old group I could give too shits about

He kind of gives off a Richard Hatch's younger brother vibe lol
54488, Jeezus Jimmy T was annoying as shit
Posted by Deebot, Wed Oct-06-10 08:21 PM
and I didn't even LIVE with him, just saw snippets on TV.

I would have wanted him out too, even with gimpy Dan.
54489, Just gimme 1 shot, I just want 1 shot
Posted by Ceej, Thu Oct-07-10 06:44 AM
54490, Lol!
Posted by Deebot, Thu Oct-07-10 08:12 AM
54491, this season sucks
Posted by Mageddon, Thu Oct-14-10 01:41 PM
54492, I kind of agree
Posted by Ceej, Thu Oct-14-10 03:12 PM
54493, Yeah, basically starting over last night was goofy
Posted by go mack, Thu Oct-14-10 03:42 PM
medalion of power no more

old vs young no more cuz youngins be kicking your ass

everyone voted off so far did themselves in by being severly annoying to the rest of the tribe, well besides Jimmy J

Na has a rainy night and wants to go home even tho she has the damn immunity idol

54494, If either Marty or Jill gets out of this hole the Survivor producers
Posted by Deebot, Wed Oct-20-10 08:23 PM
put them in, and one of them manages to win, he/she is the best Survivor ever. Complete bullshit what happened to them.
54495, Brenda brought out the guns at tribal council
Posted by Mageddon, Wed Oct-20-10 09:12 PM
and was firing some shots.

glad marty survived it. will make for an interesting dynamic back at camp.

As much as I enjoy watching Brenda, I'm rooting for Marty to come back strong. As you said, if he can get out of this mess -- that's one heck of a feat.

The second tribal council might have been the WORST i have ever seen. Dan and Yve are arguing, but with absolutely no weight behind anything they said. It was pathetic.
54496, I'm routing for Jill
Posted by okaycomputer, Thu Oct-21-10 08:03 AM
I can't stand Brenda and Marty, neither of them are half the player they think they are.

Jill was playing things perfectly, hiding behind Marty's arrogance. The producers really did fuck up her game though.
54497, Somebody needs to explain what the fuck happened last night
Posted by okaycomputer, Thu Oct-21-10 07:56 AM
That was the most piss poor job of "exposing the idol" I have ever seen.

What was the purpose of having Marty and Kelly B tie?

Why not just put more votes towards Marty than Kelly B?

Marty doesn't play the idol and he goes home...NO MORE IDOL!

Marty plays it and Brenda and Kelly B. Tie...Brenda's alliance still has a 4-2 advantage.

Even if you play extra safe and go the 3-3 tie route, why vote off Kelly B. in the tie breaker? Now you've pissed Marty off, and let him stay in play with the idol.

Is a fake leg really that threatening?

54498, LOL, exactly
Posted by Deebot, Thu Oct-21-10 11:20 AM
>Even if you play extra safe and go the 3-3 tie route, why vote
>off Kelly B. in the tie breaker? Now you've pissed Marty off,
>and let him stay in play with the idol.
>Is a fake leg really that threatening?

they must have hated that chick
54499, she did seem kind of naive
Posted by Whiteout, Thu Oct-21-10 04:30 PM
fake leg and too nice for you own good ... aka there's no reason for a manipulative, competitive player to keep her.

But the timing was horrendous. Keeping Marty around is gonna bite the youth.

And to revisit the tribe reorganization: the older players were completely fucked by that decision. It created two tribes, both made up of majority young-tribe members. I'd be pissed. It's not Big Brother ... they shit on their own rulebook by doing that.
54500, thats how you know this show is atleast partially rigged
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Oct-24-10 11:27 AM
so they kept splitting the votes despite knowing that the idol wasnt getting played?

how could they not have plan b

"if so and so doesnt play the idol everyone vote for him"

wack ass show
54501, Coach!
Posted by Mageddon, Fri Oct-22-10 08:18 AM
and no Nicole during the interview


54502, I'll be checking this out...
Posted by Deebot, Fri Oct-22-10 12:16 PM
54503, Marty pulled a Coach when he told Fabio he's a Grand Master.
Posted by theillestboYee, Sat Oct-23-10 05:46 PM
54504, fabio isnt a real person
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Oct-24-10 11:32 AM
i refuse to believe it

that guys real name is probably brad and works at a lawfirm
54505, imagine he was really an actor
Posted by Mageddon, Sun Oct-24-10 12:24 PM
made it to the jury, and then broke out the intelligence and eloquence?

>i refuse to believe it
>that guys real name is probably brad and works at a lawfirm
54506, jolly good show ol chap, i bequeath to thee...
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Oct-24-10 12:29 PM
goes all james lipton on that ass
54507, I'd say pulling a Russell is more accurate
Posted by Mageddon, Sun Oct-24-10 12:25 PM
Coach is honorable and wouldn't blatantly lie to advance in the game.
54508, lol Sash lol
Posted by Mageddon, Thu Oct-28-10 08:30 PM
that arrogance slipped away quick fast.

marty got lives like pac man.

kelly purple (worst name, possibly worst survivor) got in game interview. I think it's the first we've heard from her all season.
54509, I'm genuinely sad that Jill is out of the game
Posted by Deebot, Thu Oct-28-10 10:19 PM
especially since they're merging next week....wtf Survivor just surgically removed her from the game.

Please tell me, what in THEE fuck was the point of the tribe mixup a couple weeks ago? Please tell me...other than to fuck over Jill/Marty.

I'm gonna be rooting for Naonka hard now...I like her.
54510, i think we may have a strong finish to the season
Posted by Mageddon, Wed Nov-03-10 08:18 PM
pulling for marty now.

fabio might also find a way to sneak into the later portion of the game seeing that no one is taking him too seriously.

old girl got a serious hate on for marty.

her winning that challenge was "g", but for the love of god, please stop doing the awkward white person dance.
54511, Just when you thought the season couldn't get any worse....
Posted by Deebot, Wed Nov-10-10 08:40 PM

Sash and Brenda got this shit on LOCK. I hope someone gets some fucking balls and stands up to them though. I thought Benry was a douche, but he seems pretty legit after this ep. Only problem is he's on the outs.
54512, WHY the fuck was Jeff all about the girls in the reward challenge??
Posted by Ceej, Wed Nov-10-10 09:11 PM
Fuckin tellin em what to do and cheerleadin and shit
54513, to try to make interesting TV
Posted by Deebot, Wed Nov-10-10 10:22 PM
make ppl think the girls had a chance, but it was an impossible task.
54514, 'cism?
Posted by Mageddon, Wed Nov-10-10 09:18 PM
naah, but Marty lost a LOT of points with me when he started coming off intellectually superior on Na.

Not saying he was wrong, or that she hasn't done her dirt so far, but Marty's arrogance was just irritating; especially when he was doing the Rick Flair strut at Tribal Council. Fabio was battling Na too, but he kept it classy.

So many unlikeable people this season. Gonna stay with my original strategy...cheer for the hottest woman.

54515, Granted, he's a dick but...
Posted by biscuit, Wed Nov-10-10 11:21 PM
his strut was in response to her dig on his walk. And hair, no less. 'Cism? Hard to say, they both might be guilty of some of that. Neither one has much class or a filter.

To be fair, he acts intellectually superior to everyone and she acts like a fucking idiot with no game whatsoever. She seems to be there just to provide ratings fodder in the villain role.

Agree that everyone is unlikable this season. I'm just watching out of habit at this point.
54516, good call on the walk thing
Posted by Mageddon, Wed Nov-10-10 11:26 PM
I forgot that was in her list of grievances.

he was probably being a dick to push her buttons, have her fly off the hook, and then have her think that maybe she just opened herself to some votes -- "better play that idol".

Smart move by Marty, but Na didn't bite at all. Gotta give her props for not backing down, or falling for the okie doke.

>his strut was in response to her dig on his walk. And hair,
>no less. 'Cism? Hard to say, they both might be guilty of some
>of that. Neither one has much class or a filter.
>To be fair, he acts intellectually superior to everyone and
>she acts like a fucking idiot with no game whatsoever. She
>seems to be there just to provide ratings fodder in the
>villain role.
>Agree that everyone is unlikable this season. I'm just
>watching out of habit at this point.
54517, Marty exit interview with Rob C
Posted by Mageddon, Thu Nov-11-10 04:23 PM
54518, hey, this cast actually impressed me tonight
Posted by Deebot, Wed Nov-17-10 08:45 PM
luckily there are people who DO want to win the game and not just follow along. Props to Sash for not going out of his way to save Brenda too....no reason why he can't just substitute Naonka for her. I suppose Sash is the favorite to win at this point, but it's not very clear.

54519, Nah, Sash should be next to go
Posted by go mack, Thu Nov-18-10 10:04 AM
as long as they don't tell idiot Chase the plan so they can blindside him
54520, well the preview was going hard for Naonka, so we know she
Posted by Deebot, Thu Nov-18-10 11:33 AM
isn't going anywhere.
54521, Chase
Posted by Mageddon, Thu Nov-18-10 12:22 PM
pardon my language, but he's a pussy whipped bitch if i've ever seen one. except he aint gettin none from her. it was really difficult for me to watch.

is jeff getting frustrated by this cast? he was dissing the losing team in the reward challenge hard. then he kinda went after purple kelly during tribal council. LOL at her voting for Benry. Girl is totally clueless.

Jane hanging in there (with a push from Jeff) was kinda G. Props to her for that. She's becoming a little less obnoxious as the game goes further (no stupid white girl dances).

At this point I'm pulling for either Fabio or Na.

54522, I'm pulling for Na
Posted by Deebot, Thu Nov-18-10 12:47 PM
54523, RE: Survivor: Nicaragua (Season 21)
Posted by Slugger_Onions, Sun Nov-28-10 04:18 AM
Maaaan, hol' da fukk up my nigga. This shit been on the air for 21 years my nigga? Fam. Come on now.
54524, Lol.......no
Posted by Deebot, Wed Dec-01-10 08:43 PM
2 seasons per year mang.
54525, I still like Na because she's real
Posted by Deebot, Wed Dec-01-10 08:45 PM
She just don't give a fuck, and I respect that.

Kelly on the other hand is just a weak-willed spoiled child I'm sure. But at least she knew she didn't have a chance of winning.
54526, if you quit you should not be able to vote for the winner
Posted by debo40oz, Wed Dec-01-10 08:48 PM
you should have to just sit there in the background and not get the opportunity to talk either. I mean there are thousands of people that would trade places with you.
54527, Lol....well if they have no input afterward, why would they stick
Posted by Deebot, Wed Dec-01-10 08:51 PM
around Nicaragua......I'd bounce the fuck home.
54528, was funny listening to probst during the reward challenge
Posted by Mageddon, Thu Dec-02-10 12:12 AM
throwing in the pep talk with his usual commentary.

he was pissed.

and had every right to.

this season has been a disaster.
54529, I can't wait to hear what he says during the reunion
Posted by Deebot, Thu Dec-02-10 12:30 AM
I wonder if he has the balls to give out the standard "This has been one of the best seasons EVAR!!"
54530, Nice job by the final 3
Posted by Deebot, Wed Dec-15-10 08:43 PM
Holly never had a chance to win this game anyway, so she's obviously tryna get to the final 3 no matter what, and she should.

Can't see Dan winning a damn thing, he'll be voted out in 4th place after Fabs.

It'll be between Sash and Chase, Sash will win. Peeps like Marty and Brenda will realize he was the most strategic. Chase just floated on charm and some immunity idols.
54531, Plus Chase picked up some hate
Posted by biscuit, Wed Dec-15-10 11:16 PM
with that Reward Challenge. -2 votes right there, at least.
54532, has to be one of the most
Posted by Mageddon, Thu Dec-16-10 01:41 AM
unintelligent group of players assembled

it's so bad that Jeff is blatantly telling them what to do.

the advice he gave them made sense, but I guess Fabio and Dan are really afraid of Jane making the finals, and decided to play the role of ducks lined up for the next episode.

I thought they should have at least tried to make a play for a tie. If Jane made it to the next week, I don't think she's much of a threat to win challenges. Clearly all of that gusto from earlier in the season is gone.

Her bitching after receiving the bad news was understandable, but still a bad look. That's the way the game's played lady. Instead of throwing hissy fits, focus on talking up Dan and Fabio.
54533, right?
Posted by okaycomputer, Thu Dec-16-10 07:41 AM

>it's so bad that Jeff is blatantly telling them what to do.

C'mon Survivor, if you're going to try and fuck with the outcome at least do it behind the curtain...don't throw it in my face like this.

They royally f'd up this season.
54534, tie-breaker ?
Posted by debo40oz, Thu Dec-16-10 11:05 AM
they vote and there is a tie
the two people that are tied are removed from the vote and they vote again
if they tie what happens?
I was under the impression then it comes down to drawing a rock from a bag. If thats the case holly and jane would be safe, sash chase and fabio all had immunity so therefore Dan would be sent home. So why would he go for a tie. I could be wrong though
54535, *double post* n/m
Posted by Mageddon, Thu Dec-16-10 01:41 AM
54536, terrible terrible
Posted by Ceej, Thu Dec-16-10 08:28 AM
54537, Why Jane voted for Sash (rumors)
Posted by Mageddon, Fri Dec-17-10 01:39 AM
In her exit interview with Rob Cesternino, she was asked why she voted for Sash. She replied that Sash had done something to her which she refused to mention. She knew she was going home, and her vote for Sash was not at all strategic, but basically a middle finger to him.

Now someone in the comments section on EW, shared this bit of information:

Jeff. Since no one else has asked, could you please explain to the fans why during tribal counsel you stoped filming when Jane accused Sash of offering her a bribe by offering to pay off her mortgage on her home and business? Everyone knows that the editors and producers try to present a storyline, and there is nothing wrong with that. But trying to hide an event such as a contestant saying that they were offered a bribe is not the way to build an honest relationship with the fans. I believe the fans deserve better than they are receiving from you and the rest of the Survivor production staff?

*another person in the comment section asked this person to expound, and this was the reply

I have no first hand information, but the person who supplied the information has a past history of being correct. If it lends to his credibility, he is now being sued by SEG and Mark Burnett productions. Before the counsel was to vote out Jane, she said that Sash had offered to pay off her mortgage. This is in direct violation of the written Survivor rules about Quid Pro Quo. Jeff stoped filming and went to conference with another producer of the show. He then before beginning filming, told every one present, (cast members and staff members) to not bring it up or speak of it at the final tribal counsel. I do not know what if anything she said about the rest of the contestants. My problem with this is that there should be a certain level of trust between the fans and the production staff of Survivor.
54538, Good stuff, hope its true and comes out on live CBS
Posted by Ceej, Fri Dec-17-10 08:06 AM
GEE make an event interesting?? Whata novel idea. This season needs that be in the finale.
54539, The rumor is most likely true. It's everywhere I look.
Posted by theillestboYee, Tue Dec-21-10 03:11 AM
And it explains why no one voted for Sash, arguably the most strategic player left.
54540, Lol!
Posted by Deebot, Sun Dec-19-10 10:08 PM
54541, ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what if that last vote was for Sash?
Posted by Ceej, Sun Dec-19-10 10:48 PM
54542, Then that'd be fucking awesome
Posted by Deebot, Sun Dec-19-10 11:10 PM
54543, Well....
Posted by biscuit, Sun Dec-19-10 11:26 PM

Damn, Judio, you surprised us all. And yeah, pretty much deserved it.

Chase, hell no. I didn't expect the 4 votes, but in hindsight, it adds up.
54544, I'm going to forget this season by tomorrow night
Posted by Deebot, Mon Dec-20-10 12:17 AM
54545, couldnt name 5 players if I had to
Posted by Ceej, Mon Dec-20-10 07:34 AM
54546, Hey, I thought it was rather enjoyable.
Posted by theillestboYee, Tue Dec-21-10 03:09 AM
I absolutely hated this season very early on but as I got to know and understand the players it became relatively interesting toward the end. I think the season would have been a complete fail if Fabio didn't end up making it to the final 3 though.
54547, Redemption Island could be cool?
Posted by Ceej, Mon Dec-20-10 07:34 AM
What say yall?
54548, mixed feelings.....also, I might be dumb, but I still didn't understand
Posted by Deebot, Mon Dec-20-10 09:45 PM
the entire rule.

So only one person...whoever "wins" redemption island, gets to go baack in the game? That's how I interpreted it last night.

Mixed feelings because there are some people I never WANT to see again in Survivor...alot of ppl won't deserve another chance to go back in the game. That part of it is kinda wack.

And it's just gonna take camera time away from the real players, right?

Now that I think of it, my feelings aren't mixed, I really don't like it, haha.
54549, They used the concept before on Survivors in other countries.
Posted by theillestboYee, Tue Dec-21-10 03:08 AM
Here's Probst talking more about it: http://insidetv.ew.com/2010/12/20/survivor-jeff-probst-redemption-island-twist/
54550, Video of Fabio on The Early Show accepting his check
Posted by theillestboYee, Tue Dec-21-10 03:13 AM
54551, Rob Cesternino interviews the final 5 (audio)
Posted by theillestboYee, Tue Dec-21-10 03:13 AM
54552, i like what Sash had to say about Jane
Posted by Mageddon, Tue Dec-21-10 10:11 AM
The fact she ran away with the people's choice money was sad (but not surprising). I don't know why Jeff was so in love with her. Her childish back and forth with Marty, insulting peoples family, being hypocritical and a REALLY sore loser when being voted out (uh...didn't you guys blindside Brenda?), fish hording, grandstanding during challenges earlier in the game (by the end she fell the fuck off)...

I hated that woman.
54553, Final votes...
Posted by theillestboYee, Tue Dec-21-10 02:55 PM
Chase: Holly, Jane, Brenda, Alina

Fabio: NaOnka, Kelly, Benry, Dan, Marty

Pretty predictable.
54554, Not very predictable to me...
Posted by Deebot, Tue Dec-21-10 08:03 PM
I thought for SURE Sash would get Marty + Brenda.

Marty says Sash is a weasel while he votes, but wtf? Those two were the most strategic and they both knew it...I thought there'd be some mutual respect.

Same with Brenda, plus Brenda and Sash were allies before she got booted, plus Brenda doesn't take shit personally.
54555, This Sash mortgage thing really affected this season
Posted by Ceej, Tue Dec-21-10 10:50 PM
And we aint get shit about it

shame on you cbs
54556, Predictable if you believe the Sash rumor is true.
Posted by theillestboYee, Wed Dec-22-10 12:02 AM
Which I do.

Unlike Fabio, Chase made personal and genuine relationships with people (Brenda, Jane). Holly wasn't going to vote for Fabio, especially after Fabio didn't take her to the final 3.

Dan and Marty both hate Chase and like Fabio. Purple Kelly and Fabio were tight. Only surprised that NaOnka didn't vote for Chase after everything Chase did to comfort her when she wanted to quit. She essentially took 1,000,000 away from Chase.
54557, Anybody go back and watch the first few episodes after the finale?
Posted by theillestboYee, Wed Dec-22-10 12:04 AM
Pretty interesting to watch after you know how everybody is.
54558, naah, but i'm watching The Amazon right now
Posted by Mageddon, Wed Dec-22-10 12:10 AM
it's hilarious seeing these dudes trip over these girls.

forgot how likable Cesternino was out there. Definitely one of the great performances in survivor.

on the other hand, that gospel sanging girl is annoying as fuck. glad she got the boot early on.