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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectSo you're mad that a very real consequence of a relationship
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=76851&mesg_id=76951
76951, So you're mad that a very real consequence of a relationship
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue Dec-10-13 01:58 PM
has been introduced into the show. Because stakes are bad in storytelling, especially those that weren't "set up" from season 1, episode 1. Got it.

>They have completely lost track of what made Carrie Mathison not just a great female character in a medium that that lacks them, but a great protagonist period.

Which is... what? That she's the smartest person on the show? That she's still incredibly hard-headed and flawed but still does her job and gets results, despite that annoying pregnancy "bullshit" thingy and all of the shit she gets from Saul and those connected to Saul and everything else that always goes wrong?

Because all of those things about "Carrie's character" have been on display this season. "They" haven't "lost track" of that shit, not even in the slightest. If anything, it's been a parade of Crazy Carrie Mathison's Greatest Hits: Bipolar Episode? Check. Brief Stay in a Mental Facility? Check. Carrie Weans Herself Off Her Meds, To Her Possible Detriment? Check. Trusting Saul Perhaps Too Much? Check. Hard-headed Moment Where Carrie Eschews Authority And Nearly Pays Dearly For It? Check, several times. I mean, a lot of the "unnecessary bullshit" that you were so mad about earlier in the season was centered AROUND Carrie and all of that Carrie Shit.

What's also really weird is that now there's anger about Carrie being concerned about (who she believes is) the father of her child. What is she supposed to do regarding Brody, just let him twist in the wind? "Fuck Brody, I know he put this seed in me but he's a terrorist junkie and I got shit to do cuz I'm a Strong Female Protagonist In A Medium That Sorely Needs Them!" I mean, fuck two-and-a-half seasons of this relationship's development, this pregnancy shit is annoying and "lazy!" Do better, Homeland Writerz!

I mean, Jesus Christ.

This "they've lost track of her character" bullshit is just another way of saying "it's lazy writing." Let's cut the shit, shall we? They done practically repeated themselves ad nauseam regarding Carrie and all of the Carrie Shit that she does over the course of the season, yet somehow, they've "lost track of her character." I'm gonna go with, no.

And I'm "so defensive" about it because first off, all of these complaints are RIGHT THERE ON THE FUCKING SCREEN. This shit about "They have completely lost track of what made Carrie Mathison not just a great female character in a medium that that lacks them, but a great protagonist period" is ridiculous. This bitch risked not just HER life but her babies' life in order to track down a lead, against orders, and ended up getting shot. Not sure how "they" could "lose track" of something that CARRIE MATHISON HAS ALWAYS DONE. She's ALWAYS put herself in harm's way in order to get to the truth. You'd have some sort of point if they just had her chilling at home because she didn't want to endanger the baby.

And again, I'ma go back to what I've been saying, which you continue to miss: "they" have plotted this shit out. This shit has been talked about, wrestled with, and argued over more than you'd like to imagine. I guarantee you, when someone pitched shit about what would happen to Carrie this season, there was AT LEAST one or two motherfuckers in that room asking, "but is that what Carrie would do?"

I'm "so defensive" about this because I'm fucking sick and tired of complaints being lodged with the idea that "they" don't know what they're doing and that the viewers somehow know a lot more about the characters that "they" created and talk and argue about on a daily basis. This isn't about "blind loyalty" to writing, either: it's about having a knowledge and understanding of the process. If you're not going to like the results of that process, then you're going to have to come better and stop trying to disguise "lazy writing" critiques with more words disguised as "lazy writing" critiques.

Why I had to repeat this shit, I have no idea.

Yo Soy Widdit