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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectThis is less about being "forgiving" than it is being patient
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=76851&mesg_id=76885
76885, This is less about being "forgiving" than it is being patient
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue Oct-22-13 06:36 PM
A patience, I guess I have to repeat, I don't really have for when it comes to Troubled CW Teen Runaway Dana's story.

The story's apparently a third of the way over. I'm going to see how it plays out. Your mileage may vary.

Now, this isn't specifically toward you, but again, it really, really, REALLY irritates the living shit out of me when cats say shit like "they just jammed some shit together," without regard to the hours and hours these cats spend working on these stories. And let me clarify one last time, because it's clear that it's not been understood: what they come up with doesn't have to work for you, and no one is saying it MUST work or you HAVE to like it - but I'm not going to continue to let y'all shit on the process itself, to trivialize it with this reductionist, "they're lazy/they don't know what they're doing and are trying to play it off" bullshit. I'm sorry, but I got way too many battle scars from this shit to let it be reduced to that.

Not liking what they come up with is one thing, but this ain't some fly-by-the-seat-of-their-pants operation, and I'ma keep repeating that until it's fully understood around here. There are too many dollars at stake, and there are so many fingerprints (from executives, producers, actors, crew) on these things that it's completely inaccurate to surmise that, if a story doesn't work to your liking, that it was because well they just didn't care and made some shit up and no one else cared about it either so they just shot some shit and threw it on the air and expected people to not question it but if they did question it they just threw the showrunner out there to make some shit up about it so that it looks like they spent some time on it. No. Not how this shit works. Not even close.

Y'all really think Claire Danes is gonna just ride with some shit that Alex Gansa and the writers "jammed in there" at the last minute? Mandy Patinkin? The same Mandy Patinkin who is KNOWN for walking off of shows that he's not digging? Y'all really think the executives at Showtime and Fox are just going to let Alex Gansa and nem make up some bullshit and throw it out there and take credit for being geniuses? All of these people have questions about the material, and guess whose job it is to provide those answers BEFORE they shoot it? And guess what? If the answers aren't satisfactory, if there are problems with the stories that the showrunner can't answer, then guess who has to go back and retool and/or start all over?

This is why I ride against, and will continue to ride against "they're lazy/they're just jamming shit in there and hoping no one notices" critiques. Not because I think I'm better than everyone here, or because I've been blinded by the lights of Hollywood, but because this process is far too complex and expensive to be trivialized and reduced to some "They're brilliant!"/"They're lazy!" shit, as if these folks just grabbed some cameras and decided to shoot some stuff that they'd make up as they went along.

Gotta hear both sides