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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectRE: yeah, this is a good show
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=76442&mesg_id=76547
76547, RE: yeah, this is a good show
Posted by SankofaII, Sat Jun-01-13 07:08 PM
>i tried my best to hate on it, but it's incredibly watchable.
> i'm not hooked yet. like, if i never saw another episode, i
>wouldn't march on washington to get it picked up by TNT. but
>if i'm watching TV thursday night at 10, it's hannibal.
>it's way too graphic and dark to ever do real numbers, but
>it'll do NBC one better than that-- it'll help them rebuild
>their brand. way more important for them than the viewership
>right now. NBC just needs to get (and keep) some good
>television on the air, if only to prove they still can.

basically. NBC needs to rebuild itself and figure out WHO they want to be and realize that they need to focus on being a DISTINCTIVE network, rather than one that's trying to compete with others that are way more established and settled (ABC, CBS)

focus on building their brand and moving forward.

NBC needs to accept that, for the most part, for the time being, they will be a low performing network with shows averaging 3M-10M at most...

They might need to rethink greenlighting EVENT dramas as 20+ episode series and instead doing midseason and/or summer runs of those shows as 13-18 eps and call it a day, cause real talk, REVOLUTION has *NOT* worked in it's current format. Give it a smaller order and watch it do better numbers...