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Topic subjectThose dream sequences were amazing
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=76442&mesg_id=76459
76459, Those dream sequences were amazing
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Fri Apr-05-13 09:08 PM
>>about Mads being Hannibal. Probably because i'm so use to
>>Hopkins being Hannibal. The accents are different, he's less
>Yea, I have to get used to Mads. But, then I realize that this
>is Fuller's interpretation of Hannibal and he clearly wants
>hannibal to be more along the lines of being cool, calm,
>detached and all that...
>this is happening before lechter gets caught, etc. so this is
>supposed to be occurring at a point in which Hannibal is
>younger, etc. (though the narrative is taking place in present
>So, Hannibal should be less on the puns and more on the
>getting to know Will, etc. since it seems like Lechter is
>intrigued by Will and wants to get know him...
>we all know what happened to Will, so i assume the show will
>explore what led up to that in it's own way.
>But, shout out to Bryan Fuller...he was giving Grand Guginol
>type horror dream sequences...exactly what I need right now.
>I know folk are put off by the dream sequences but I love
>It was a solid ep, but Laurence Fishburne kinda hammed it
>up...i hear he gets better in later eps...
>>However, its' very interesting.
>>I got a headache so i can't give a great review but it was
>NBC better not FUCK THIS UP...this is *THEIR* prestige show.
>it really is.
>I hope folk tuned in, but NBC y'all got a damn good gem on
>your hands...treat them like you've treated parenthood-a
>critical darling not getting high ratings but you keep it
>because it gives the network *THAT* amount of prestige since
>mostly everything else you have on is a fucking joke....

I almost agree about everything you sad except for Mad's Hannibal, I know most people think Hopkins when you mention the name Lecter but I enjoyed this cool and calmer Lecter. I shows him more calculated and less of this charming socialite killer.

NBC needs this show cause everything else they have is a bit of crap.

Now on to my favorite part: The dream sequences they were just beautiful to look at and made me feel like I was actually in a dream. My girl even had to start watching once she saw the first one.

I'm in Mads is that dude and I'm loving everyone on the show and I do hope Fish gets better as the series progresses.