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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectI see your points but..
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=57966&mesg_id=58278
58278, I see your points but..
Posted by Cineno, Tue Nov-22-11 01:30 PM
>some of the criticism of the show is fair but in general
>people are trippin
>Rick "knew" about Shane & Lori in the book. Shane kinda
>spilled the beans as he was about to kill him. Rick talked
>about the situation with Dale who basically told him to forget
>about it. I don't know why you thought Rick never knew. The
>baby possibly being Shane's was never a major conflict in the

I read the comics when they came out, so it's been a minute. That's why I was asking and more talking about how I remember the story going.

>Why do you expect Hershel to have a understanding of the
>zombies and how they work like us reading the comics? For all
>he knows, this is all a test from God.

As I remembered, by around this point in the story they've seen enough and people have died so he could be aware. He said he was listening to the coverage. I'm sure people died and turned around that time and would be mentioned.

>Besides all that, you shouldn't let plots that are explored
>much later in the timeline of the comic get in the way of what
>the show is doing. Clearly they are going to change some
>things to keep fans of the comic on our toes. That's why we
>have Daryl and not Tyrese, yet at least.
>Why you tripping off the Governor and they still haven't left
>Hershel's farm? You're not letting them develop the world yet.
>Rick should do some questionable things before the Governor
>should show up. Rick hasn't done shit. We have to build up the
>more hardcore Governor shit

No one's tripping off anything. I don't expect a character like the Governor to be in episode 7. I'm saying that at the pace the show is going, and the way it's being presented I really can't see them developing a word where darker storylines are even understandable.

I'm not hoping that they'll make the show exactly like the book. It's just that the show's story is not developing too well. If you're going to make a story about people do whatever to survive, then put them in a world where that is supported.