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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectMy friends straight up defended this show
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=57966&mesg_id=58118
58118, My friends straight up defended this show
Posted by Whiteout, Mon Oct-31-11 01:43 PM
When I said I didn't like it ...

They seem to think it's an insightful commentary ... I'm not getting any of that ... if anything, the commentary they do have is heavy-handed and poorly constructed ... non-thinking and tacked on.

But when they were so vehement about how good this show was, I just looked away and couldn't continue the debate ...

Like, if you don't see it, you don't see it ... but there's not any stitching holding this shit together ... heck, even the glue they HAVE used wouldn't pass muster in kindergarten.

It's hollow ... and the one thing that I think really drives this point home has been mentioned in this post: I don't care if ANY of these characters die. And it's not like I'm even rooting for them to die, because even that would be an improvement in character building ... like seriously, I'd shrug and take a sip as my reaction to the brutal end of any of them ... the indifference alone says a mouthful.