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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjecti see it from both sides (the upcoming rift)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=55645&mesg_id=56088
56088, i see it from both sides (the upcoming rift)
Posted by Calico, Mon Dec-06-10 05:19 PM
one of nuck's problems is he doesn't know how to really respect the people who work for or with him...he sees them as idiots, or simply peices in his bigger chess game...the ONLY person on the show he hasn't said some slick shit to is Chalky, cause he actually respects him...

...there is NO WAY i woulda had the manservant counting my million after the way nuck has treated the guy....no, fucking, way...the way nucky treats him, i'm surprised duke wasn't on a ship headed for europe,,, .Nucky trusts his people, but treats them like they are hinderances sometimes and THAT, is how Eli, Jimmy and The Commodore end up together...they all feel mistreated ....

...but they expect too much from Nucky, so they're all wrong....The Commie is mad cause he feels like it should still be him in charge and Nucky screwed him...bullshit, dude's time was over and he leads a great life considering, and should be happy..(interestingly i JUST realized last night that the Commodore is a spin on what happened to the real life enoch}...Eli thinks he's ready for the big time, and Nucky doesn't respect him...he isn't and hasn't done anything to earn what he has...he wants "more" but barely knows how to handle what he has now...the fact Nucky gave him his job back and it clearly looked like he always planned to after the election shoulda made dude happy...AND he got a cut of that million, but didn't do anything to deserve it...Jimmy just needs to grow the hell up....he's problems with nuck are more understandible than the others cause he basically feels unloved by "father",,,it isn't about the "pimp" aspect cause i KNOW jimmy's ivy league ass had to have figured out how old his mom was when she was pregnant before now.... the fact that nuck was unapologetic about it all and never emotionally treated jimmy like a son pisses him off...but nucky could never have jimmy that emotionally close, his birth father woulda raised hell, and they all know it...jimmy still can't accept it all tho with the stuff going on at home, and wanting to stike at his enemies but nuck deciding the opposite, jimmy is using nuck as a scapegoat for his other problems...