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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectCompletely and emphatically agree.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=55645&mesg_id=56067
56067, Completely and emphatically agree.
Posted by spades, Mon Dec-06-10 06:19 PM
>...she just get on my nerves with her bubble-headedness
>...this dude had had you back/loved you form DAY ONE..he
>decides to go to war and comes back, differeent...you don't
>like the change but don't say spit....some photographers wife,
>whom you MIGHT have known a year or two, taks a liking to you
>and now you're "in love"...she even tries to get you to be
>down for the 3 way action and tells you to run away with her,
>but leaves without you....then she sends you a silly ass
>postcard and you all down for the okey doke again....
>...i hope she gets capped next season...
>...i liked when jimmy and her were arguing, and she says
>something like "so you want us to go?" and jimmy says
>something like" "us?" he's still my son...", like 'beyotch YOU
>can go, but my kid ain't going nowhwere'

Although at times, Mrs. Schroeder comes close.