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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectHer options, that I can guess:
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=55645&mesg_id=56032
56032, Her options, that I can guess:
Posted by B9, Tue Nov-30-10 09:36 AM
-Van Alden...wrong for all sorts of crazy reasons plus I don't think she's going to flip Nucky unless he threatens her.
-One of her fellow League members, which would lead to doubts about her endorsement for the Republicans.
-Madame Jillet...yeah right.

The lack of options makes me think she's going to end up back with Nucky after some sort of reconciliation. He obviously, by that last scene, has come to the end of his rope about how his recent turn to gangsterism is really turning out for him and the way she told him off should have opened his eyes to how smart she really can be. I could see a big sit down, "lets talk, lets be more real" type of ending to that relationship and he cut her in, somehow, from a political standpoint to the next organization. I don't believe she gives too much of a shit anymore about alcohol and now with women's suffrage, I'm not sure what her next pet project would be in 1921; increased birth control rights? Rising concern of anti-immigration sentiment? Irish independence? He'll give her something to cut her in and make her feel powerful and self-sufficient, if that's how she chooses to go.