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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectmy great-grandparents on both sides worked in AC hotels right around
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=55645&mesg_id=55805
55805, my great-grandparents on both sides worked in AC hotels right around
Posted by Bombastic, Fri Oct-08-10 03:52 PM
the time this show was set in (and AC was *hopping* during this era, it actually was still an attraction in the 50s/early 60s).

Atlantic City was probably the most crucial coastal port/resort-type city in the Northeast corridor for the first half of the 1900s.

The history there runs deep. My mom has tons of old pictures of her grandparents from this era, then she's got photos from her as a little kid going to the Steel Pier with her sisters/brothers, and then my grandfather on my pops' side ended up moving to Brigantine right across the bridge after he got sent home from WWII (he ended up shot down by Germans, then made it to safety, recovered in an Army hospital where he spit enough game to the Army nurse for six weeks from a hospital bed that he married her a few weeks after he was cleared to come back to the states).

Shit is crazy but if that Nazi didn't have good-but-not-quite-good-enough aim, I ain't typing this right now.

Anyway, all that to say that I love the Atlantic City setting for this with this show, makes me wish that my grandparents were still around for me to ask more questions about it.