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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectI fucking love this show...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=49070&mesg_id=49315
49315, I fucking love this show...
Posted by okaycomputer, Tue Nov-08-11 07:53 AM
For my sake it has completely made the leap everyone said it needed to when the season started.

I agree that Van Alden was cooperating with the Lawyer, not with Nucky. He is staying as clean as he can.

Loved that zoom-in on Jimmy shaking his head 'no' like a little kid just before he okays the hit on Nucky.

I thought Margaret's story was great this week. I can completely understand how she'd fuck up her situation with Nucky after making that trip to see her family. That is Irish-Catholic guilt on full display there. Kelly MacDonald deserves some recognition for her work this year.

Some great writing in that scene too, we get a sense of Margaret's back story, her position in her family and how that has lead to her position in life (submitting to powerful men). And it did all that without going into heavy-handed exposition mode.