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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectDexter killed some dude because he was emo in the bathroom
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=26638&mesg_id=26860
26860, Dexter killed some dude because he was emo in the bathroom
Posted by Coatesvillain, Wed Dec-15-10 08:43 AM
And no one gave a fuck.

Lumen is just smelling dudes and realizing that they are who she thought they were. (Dexter explains it as a sixth sense people in trauma get)

Dan the Dentist picks up the phone and calls the motherfuckers while he's bleeding out.

The Nanny just up and took the damned baby to his grandparents in Orlando and is texting Dexter asking if he wants a Magician for the birthday party. This is the same woman who was upset when Dexter stayed too late.

Nobody gives a fuck about the Santa Muerte killers.

Ole girl became Detective and last we saw of her Deb was telling her she couldn't learn shit from her. *BAMF*

Liddy signs out surveillance equipment just by forging Quinn's signature.

Dexter stumbles onto all of this shit because of blood he finds in the back of a moving van. He traces it to Boyd and stumbles onto this.

It's just disappointing overall. I was so hyped coming into this season. My disappointment isn't tied to the formula either because the first four season worked, but this one was just bad on all counts. I didn't like a single episode. I want this show to be good, and I really think it can be but the writing is what hurt this season more than the premise.